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Super Resolution Microscope N-SIM

January 27, 2012

Nikon N-SIM Super Resolution Microscope Recognized as One of the Top Innovations of 2011 by The Scientist

N-SIM Super Resolution Award

Nikon N-SIM Super Resolution Microscope was selected by a panel of expert judges as one of The Scientist's Top Ten Innovations of 2011. In its fourth installment, the contest has become a showcase of the year's standout tools for life scientists. N-SIM, was recognized as being one the fastest, most powerful high-resolution optical microscopes on the market and placed fifth in the rankings of the best and brightest products of the year.

N-SIM technology incorporates structured illumination microscopy – pioneered by the University of California, San Francisco – into Nikon's flagship inverted microscope. With spatial resolution between 85 and 110 nm and a temporal resolution of 600 milliseconds per frame, the N-SIM super resolution system produces dynamic, fast live-cell imaging with nearly double the resolution of conventional optical microscopes.

“We are honored to receive this recognition” said Stephen Ross, General Manager of Products and Marketing, Nikon Instruments Inc. “The N-SIM super resolution system is revolutionizing high-resolution optical imaging by allowing scientists to observe fine structural details which were previously obscured by diffraction and investigate questions in ways never possible.”

The award's panel of judges included Björn Brembs, from the Freie Universität in Berlin, Medical University of Vienna neuronal cell biologist Michael Kiebler, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory biologist H. Steven Wiley, and Aris Persidis, president of Biovista, a pharmaceutical services company.

N-SIM Super Resolution Award