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Biological Microscopes

These microscopes are used for biological research at laboratories and universities, inspections at hospitals, and for science education.

Stereoscopic Microscopes

SMZ series can be used at on-site inspection or for manipulation of a sample thanks to their stereoscopic image, long working distance and wide field of view. Various models are available for many applications and purposes.

Multi-purpose Zoom Microscopes

AZ series offers the combined advantages of a stereoscopic microscope with a wide field of view and a long working distance and an industrial microscope with high-resolution images and various observation methods.

Asbestos Observation Microscope

These microscopes are used to identify and count asbestos fibers.

Digital Microscope

ShuttlePix head can be used as a handheld zoom microscope or attached to motorized focusing stand. It offers to capture high quality images of objects of almost all any size in any location imaginable.

Cameras for Microscopy

The Digital Sight camera system allows you to freely combine camera headswith stand-alone or PC-based contorol units.

Imaging Software

Nikon offers the total software solution that covers image capture, archiving, and analysis.

Super Resolution Microscopes

Nikon's Super Resolution Microscope N-SIM/N-STORM enables elucidation of the structure and function of the nanoscopic machinery within cells.

Confocal Microscopes

The new A1 series dramatically improves confocal performance and ease of operation. The C2 comprises a new generation of Nikon confocal instruments designed to be essential laboratory.

Integrated Cell Culture Observation System

BioStation CT houses a microscope and camera within the Incubator. It automatically captures the images of cells being culture; thers is no need to remove the vessel from the incubator and move it to the microscope.

Time Lapse Imaging System

Combining a microscope,incubator and high-sensitivity digital camera into one powerful system.