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  5. Soldering—maintain the quality of electronic circuit boards (5/5)

Soldering—maintain the quality of electronic circuit boards

Lingering questions

"People do not acquire skills simply through being taught them by others," maintains Mr. Koiso.

"When you are taught a technique by your instructors, it is important that you not simply take it on trust but try and think about the whys and the wherefores. From time to time, you should try a different technique as well. Even if the technique you were taught turns out to be correct in the end, the repeated trial and error can still serve to increase your knowledge and skills. Even trials that do not bear fruit can still yield new ideas."

When Mr. Koiso serves as an instructor, he listens attentively to any questions from the trainees, since their simple queries may contain the germs of new ideas.

Mr. Koiso has been engaged in passing on skills since before he was appointed as a Nikon Master Craftsperson, and has already trained over 100 soldering technicians.

In 2010, two people qualified as instructors in micro-soldering techniques—attaining the same qualification that Mr. Koiso holds. His thinking and skills thus continue to be passed safely on to the next generation.