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  6. White Light Interferometric Microscope System - Measurement capability

White Light Interferometric Microscope System

Sub-nano-level measurement in a wide range of magnifications

Type: BW-D501 system
Subject: Silicon Carbide (SiC) Wafer


Sa 0.483nm
Sq 0.645nm
Sz 7.460nm

ΔH 1.677nm


Sa 0.302nm
Sq 0.401nm
Sz 11.187nm

ΔH 1.896nm


Sa 0.144nm
Sq 0.545nm
Sz 121.859nm

ΔH 1.929nm


Sa 0.237nm
Sq 0.374nm
Sz 7.090nm

ΔH 1.948nm


Sa 0.391nm
Sq 0.495nm
Sz 3.934nm

ΔH 1.949nm


Sa 0.306nm
Sq 0.398nm
Sz 3.264nm

ΔH 1.948nm

Precise surface measurements for micrometer-range rough surfaces

Type: BW-A501 system
Subject: Membrane of synthesized diamond using in-liquid plasma chemical vapor deposition
Photos courtesy of: Ph.D. Hiromichi Toyota, Ehime University Graduate School of Science and Engineering

ΔH 4.152μm