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  5. Financial Statements (Consolidated Statements of Income)

Financial Statements

  • Consolidated Balance Sheets
  • Consolidated Statements of Income
  • Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Consolidated Statements of Income

(Unit: million yen)

Account Item 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
Net sales 879,719 785,498 887,512 918,651 1,010,493
Cost of sales 561,642 552,408 575,535 567,000 663,509
Gross profit 318,076 233,090 311,977 351,651 346,984
Selling, general and administrative expenses 269,891 246,944 257,924 271,570 295,982
Operating income 48,184 (13,854) 54,052 80,080 51,001
Non-operating income 7,972 6,393 9,860 11,917 7,849
Non-operating expenses 8,467 7,873 8,101 2,614 10,506
Other non-operating expenses 19,405 16,955 21,729 16,107 20,260
Ordinary income (loss) 47,689 (15,334) 55,811 89,383 48,344
Extraordinary gains 69 180 121 16,144 14,299
Gain on sales of property, plant and equipment 69 82 91 159 302
Gain on sales of investment securities - 97 30 65 5,132
Extraordinary losses 8,579 2,517 9,427 19,360 788
Loss on disposals of property, plant and equipment 1,891 450 1,000 250 -
Loss on sales of property, plant and equipment 37 4 47 4 57
Non-recurring depreciation on noncurrent assets - 86 - - -
Impairment losses 720 115 397 6,502 663
Loss on sales of investment securities - 13 82 96 31
Losses on devaluation of investment securities 5,930 220 4,512 0 35
Loss on restructuring of business - 1,421 - - -
Environmental expenses - 206 - - -
Effect of application in accounting standard for asset retirement obligations - - 1,073 - -
Loss on disaster - - 2,313 12,505 -
Income (loss) before income taxes 39,180 (17,671) 46,505 86,168 61,856
Current 12,668 8,293 13,096 26,627 12,081
Deferred (1,544) (13,350) 6,097 235 7,316
Income taxes 11,124 (5,056) 19,193 26,862 19,397
Income (loss) before minority interests - (12,615) 27,312 59,305 42,459
Net income (loss) 28,055 (12,615) 27,312 59,305 42,459