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  5. Financial Statements (Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows)

Financial Statements

  • Consolidated Balance Sheets
  • Consolidated Statements of Income
  • Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(Unit: million yen)

Account Item 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
Cash flows from operating activities
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interest 39,180 (17,671) 46,505 86,168 61,856
Depriciation and amortization 32,892 35,170 34,033 32,570 36,225
Losses on impairment of fixed assets 720 545 399 12,127 663
Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful receivables 4,306 447 (602) (2,424) (1,403)
Increase (decrease) in provision of warranty costs (1,712) (226) 1,042 366 78
Increase (decrease) in reserve for employees' retirement benefits 1,021 3,257 (2,134) (11,186) (981)
Increase (decrease) in reserve for retirement allowance for directors and corporate auditors (62) 132 3 (606) -
Interest and dividend income (2,206) (1,251) (1,694) (2,072) (2,069)
Equity method investment gain (1,022) (992) (1,231) (1,535) (2,462)
Interest expenses 1,090 1,225 945 1,037 1,300
Gain on sales of noncurrent assets (32) (68) (43) (155) (245)
Loss on retirement of noncurrent assets 1,891 563 1,007 1,022 -
Loss on sales of investment securities - (84) 52 30 (5,101)
Losses on revaluation of investment securities 5,930 220 4,512 0 35
Net decrease (increase) in trade notes and accounts receivable 26,694 9,134 (14,843) (18,681) 19,790
Net decrease (increase) in inventories (7,849) 57,390 (34,032) (27,703) 12,081
Net increase (decrease) in trade notes and accounts payable (56,884) 5,218 47,027 (15,530) (35,820)
Increase (decrease) in advances received - (9,137) 29,303 (9,608) (3,679)
Other, net (operating activities) 18,381 6,112 23,451 (16,862) (273)
sub total 62,338 99,126 133,701 26,959 79,996
Interest and dividends received 2,274 2,836 2,465 3,275 3,449
Interests paid (1,214) (1,155) (965) (1,063) (1,270)
Income taxes paid (53,286) 2,690 (11,587) (14,098) (30,283)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities 10,112 103,497 123,613 15,073 51,890
Cash flows from investing activities
Payments for purchases of tangible fixed assets (31,034) (33,635) (22,885) (35,773) (61,855)
Proceeds from sales of tangible fixed assets 586 621 722 1,303 2,762
Purchases of investment securities (3,440) (1,150) (433) (789) (1,410)
Proceeds from sales of investment securities - 771 685 392 5,277
Purchase of investmants in subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation 685 (9,428) - - -
Net decrease (increase) in loans receivable (324) 359 398 (1,225) (109)
Compensation income for expropriation - 8,212 2,317 - -
Other, net (investing activities) (10,304) (12,856) (4,392) (13,053) (9,774)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities (44,518) (47,107) (23,589) (49,144) (65,109)
Cash flows from financing activities
Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings 7,432 (5,335) 121 (1,548) (91)
Net increase (decrease) of commercial paper 20,000 (20,000) - - -
Proceeds from long-term debt 11,700 1,229 10,000 2,900 4,700
Repayments of long-term debt (2,819) (10,199) (10,530) (1,760) (4,700)
Proceeds from issue of bonds - 19,894 19,892 - -
Redemption of bonds (5,000) (10,000) (32,900) - -
Dividends paid (10,338) (3,771) (3,573) (12,278) (15,841)
Purchase of treasury stock (12,337) (45) (12) - -
Other, net (financing activities) (2,862) (3,247) (3,131) (2,463) (2,264)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financial Activities 5,774 (31,476) (20,122) (15,150) (18,198)
Foreign currency translation adjustments on cash and cash equivalents (4,518) (49) (3,741) (665) 9,370
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (33,151) 24,863 76,160 (49,886) (22,046)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 112,957 79,806 104,669 181,061 131,711
Increase in cash and cash equivalents from newly consolidated subsidiaries - - 231 536 429
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year 79,806 104,669 181,061 131,711 110,094