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  7. N-STORM - Specifications

Super Resolution Microscope N-STORM

XY resolution Approx. 20nm
Z-axis resolution Approx. 50nm
Image acquisition time 10 minutes or more
Imaging mode TIRF-STORM
Multi-color imaging 2 colors simultaneously
Compatible laser 405nm, 457nm, 561nm, 647nm
Compatible microscopes Motorized inverted microscope ECLIPSE Ti-E
  • Perfect Focus System
  • Motorized XY stage with encoders
  • Piezo Z stage
Objectives CFI Apo TIRF 100x oil (NA 1.49), CFI Plan Apo VC 100x oil (NA 1.40)
Camera Andor Technology iXon DU897 EMCCD camera
Software NIS-Elements Ar/
NIS-Elements C (with confocal microscope A1)
Both need the NIS-A STORM Analysis
Operation conditions 20 °C to 25 °C (± 0.5 °C)