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Machining—making components for IC steppers and scanners

Compromise does not make for outstanding products

The mission of a Nikon Master Craftsperson involves training and passing on skills to the next generation, as well as improving one's own technique. Mr. Igarashi also delivers training lectures on manufacturing to new recruits in the company. He provides practical instruction at the factory, delivers lectures, and passes on the philosophy of manufacturing and the mindset required. "All of this is rewarding in ways that differ from the fulfillment found in ordinary work," he says.

Mr. Igarashi tells company recruits aiming to become designers that, "Even if the required degree of precision seems extremely hard to achieve, compromise is never an option. No matter how stringent the degree of precision demanded, if it is necessary, the factory staff must make every effort to meet this requirement."

"The technician must never compromise, because the designer never does," he concludes.

A manufacturing pioneer, Mr. Igarashi promotes the adage that "Compromise does not make for outstanding products." This motto encapsulates the hopes that he has for the young leaders of the next generation.