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  5. Assembly and Adjustment—realizing high-precision optical equipment (5/5)

Assembly and Adjustment—realizing high-precision optical equipment

There is always room for improvement

It is said that Mr. Iseki only has to look at the blueprint of a product to instantly get a mental picture of where to start assembly, in which order to perform the assembly, which tools to use, and what the appropriate processes and workflow are. It is also said that he thinks ahead regarding adjustments that will produce a more accurate product in a shorter time.

Mr. Iseki's approach to his work can be summed up by his motto, "There is always room for improvement." This has yielded a new awareness. Describing his observations and providing feedback at his own place of work as well as the engineering and quality control departments will naturally lead to better manufacturing at his own place of work.

"I think it was recognition of the fact that I have devised new processes rather than carried out established ones and have produced new ideas that have led to greater efficiency and improved precision that resulted in me being selected as a Nikon Master Craftsperson.

Never content with the status quo, he is constantly aiming for improvement.