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  5. Assembly and Adjustment—realizing high-precision optical equipment (4/5)

Assembly and Adjustment—realizing high-precision optical equipment

Facility staff for improving and passing on technique

Mr. Iseki sums up the current situation as follows: "Our generation studied under our superiors in all areas of the factory and learned techniques by trial and error. However, I feel that this kind of environment is rare and that nowadays there is little chance for technicians to gain experience. As a result, today's technicians are unable to adapt sufficiently to changing circumstances."

In April 2010, Mr. Iseki became one of the leaders of a team made up of elite technicians. The factory staff are chiefly responsible for launching the manufacture of new products such as microscopes. The manufacturing site is also used as a venue for improving and passing on techniques.

Launching the manufacture of products involves establishing processes for a smooth manufacturing workflow and ensuring that manufacturing is conducted in a stable manner. Since this requires numerous techniques, the factory is ideal for the improvement of techniques and the development of new ones. This part of the manufacturing process, previously out-sourced, has been returned to Nikon technicians in order to enable techniques to be improved and passed on.

"I want to pass on techniques to my successors. I want to train them at the factory." A new initiative for teaching such techniques is underway. It benefits from the desire of technicians such as Mr. Iseki to train young people and pass on their knowledge.
