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Finishing—achieving the precision that machines cannot

Expertise starts with the proper tools

Of the tools that he uses in his work, Mr. Obata says, "There are a variety of different tools, but knowing how to use them is the key."

"For example," he continues, "a whetstone is used to grind metal, but there are whetstones made of fieldstone and others of man-made materials. So, when selecting a whetstone it is very important to know which whetstone works best with which material. But it gets more complicated, as each whetstone has its own feel, even when they are made of the same material. So, it is also important to select one that feels comfortable. It's the same with files. Even if you use the same files from the same manufacturer, you will soon realize that each has its own characteristics. So even if I buy 10 of the same files from the same maker, I will pick out one that feels right for me and is easy to work with."

To do a good job, you have to select the right tool. Expertise starts with a close inspection of the tools.
