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Finishing—achieving the precision that machines cannot

The scraping process

  • 1.A surface plate provides a verified level surface as a standard. It is a fieldstone with a small coefficient of expansion. Metal surfaces are processed using this surface plate as a standard. The metal surface has already been machined, and is flat to a certain degree, but the precision of the flatness is improved through scraping.

  • 2.An orange pigment is spread onto the reference surface of the surface plate.

  • 3.The metal surface to be scraped is brought into contact with the reference surface of the surface plate. The metal piece is then slowly rotated.

  • 4.Pigment is thus transferred to high spots on the metal surface.

  • 5.A scraper (a special bladed tool used in scraping) is used to scrape off the parts on the metal surface where the pigment has adhered.

  • 6.Steps two to five are repeated until the entire surface of the metal piece is covered with pigment. The end result is a flat surface with micrometer precision.
