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  5. Lens-Polishing—high-precision polishing of lenses for digital cameras (5/5)

Lens-Polishing—high-precision polishing of lenses for digital cameras

"Can-do" rather than "know-how"

Training the next generation is also the duty of a Nikon Master Craftsperson. "I want future leaders to be "can-do" people, rather than people with know-how only," says Mr. Takashio. "It is no good just being able to explain something, or just acquiring technique and theory. "Can-do" people can deliver the results required under the stipulated conditions—despite the difficulty involved," he adds.

Digital cameras are brought to mass production in an extremely short time. The trend is towards more stringent manufacturing conditions, such as shorter deadlines and higher precision. This is exactly why Mr. Takashio has set the technicians who will drive production in this new, more challenging era the goal of becoming "can-do" people.

Thanks to his instruction, the technicians to whom he has passed on his techniques have graduated to become "can-do" people and are now excelling back at their own factories. This naturally includes technicians from overseas.