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  5. Lens-Polishing—high-precision polishing of lenses for digital cameras (3/5)

Lens-Polishing—high-precision polishing of lenses for digital cameras

The lens-polishing process

  • 1.A rough-polishing plate is fitted to the lower section of the polishing equipment.

  • 2.The semi-transparent lens is attached to the upper section of the polishing equipment.

  • 3.Polishing fluid is sprayed onto the lens and the rough-polishing plate is rotated to polish it.

  • 4.After the rough polishing has been completed, the rough-polishing plate is replaced with a final-polishing plate. Again, polishing fluid is sprayed onto the lens and the final-polishing plate is rotated to polish it.

Polishing plates

Lens-polishing involves rubbing a polishing plate, which has the opposite curvature to that of the lens, against the lens. In other words, concave polishing plates are used to make convex lenses, and vice versa. Since the shape of the surface of the polishing plate is echoed by the surface of the lens, a high degree of precision is required for the polishing plate.

A polishing pad which rubs the optical glass is attached to the polishing plate. Numerous circular diamond pads are used for the rough polishing, and a fan-shaped polyurethane-resin pad is used for the final polishing.
