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  8. iGPS/iSpace


Modular positioning, tracking and measurement system for factory-wide deployment

iGPS is a modular large scale metrology solution that transforms large fabrication facilities into accurate metrology-enabled areas. Within the facility, an unlimited number of handheld measurement probes or tracking sensors (fixated on tools and components) can operate concurrently.

Unique iGPS capabilities in terms of scalability, robustness and concurrent use provide quick return on investment as well as a solution that grows along with expanding manufacturing operations.

Predefined iSpace configuration packages use iGPS technology to track multiple measuring devices ? handheld probes, articulated arms and laser radars ? that can be operated concurrently.


  • Expand measurement volume by extending transmitter network (iGPS)
  • Measurement volumes ranging from 400 to 1200m3 (iSpace)
  • Continuous health monitoring and transmitter redundancy
  • Unlimited number of users and applications within the iGPSenabled working volume.
  • Multiple devices can be equipped with iGPS receivers for accurate positioning


  • Large scale positioning and tracking suited for aerospace, shipbuilding, train, etc.
  • Part joining and assembly
  • Dynamic tracking of parts, tools, robot positions, AGVs and ship models in water tanks
  • Handheld large volume inspection in automotive (engineering lab, racing workshop), aerospace and other industries like casting and turbine blade production.
  • Automatic annotation of handheld NDT measurements with positional information.


  • Supports factory-wide deployment (iGPS)
  • Easily deployable for measuring the dynamic positioning of handheld probes, articulated arms, laser radars and other measurement equipment (iSpace)
  • Uniform accuracy throughout the entire workspace
  • Scalable, accurate and robust solution
  • Concurrent use of an unlimited number of handheld probes and tracking sensors
  • Point localization accuracy down to 200µm

Related solutions

  • iProbe - 6DOF tactile measurement probe
  • iMCA - iSpace enabled articulated arm
  • Integration Services & Technologies

iSpace supports concurrent use of an unlimited number of handheld probes and tracking sensors

Using iProbe the operator can freely walk around and perform measurements in a large volume