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  7. Digital Microscope ShuttlePix
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Experience the high performance coming from Nikon's High Quality optics and Advanced technologies

The ShuttlePix digital microscope represents an all-new one-of-a-kind digital microscope that can be used either as a portable digital camera able to shoot any sample size or dock on a stand where it can take high magnification images and perform various measurements.

From shooting large samples in the field, to shooting smaller samples

ShuttlePix can capture a wide range of images and perform simple measurements. When used like a digital camera, ShuttlePix easily shoots images of any sample size, ideal for the automotive and aerospace sectors. When docked onto the stand, ShuttlePix is perfect for shooting images of electronic components for inspections, analysis or research.

Plays an important role in many scenes

Introduces different scenery images used in cordless environment.

Introduction of sample images

See sample images taken with ShuttlePix.

20x Optical Zoom

Covers a wide Zoom magnification without changing Lens

When used on the motorized focusing stand and touch panel monitor, the magnification increases from 20x to 400x. ShuttlePix provides ample magnification range that ensures you never have to switch or purchase different lenses for different magnifications. Magnification information is also linked to ShuttlePix's scale and simple measurement functions.

* Magnification on dedicated monitor used with Motorized Focusing Stand.

Zoom Simulation

0.2 NA achieves high-resolution image capture

High NA / High definition / Wide field of view

Nikon's proprietary optics achieve precise observation and imaging with NA up to 0.2 (at 400x magnification) and 20mm-diagonal wide field of view (at 20x magnification). Changing of Resolution Preferred Mode and Depth-of-Focus Preferred Mode is also possible.

Printed circuit board

  • Resolution Preferred
  • Depth-of-focus Preferred

4-segment LED Ring Light

Newly-developed design for bright, even illumination

ShuttlePix's new illumination technology achieves consistent brightness at all levels of magnification. Capture shaded images as well, through split-half illumination switchable among top, bottom, left, and right.

Molded Plastic

Full illumination yields bright, evenly-lit images, while half illumination enables images with shadows

You can see four different illumination effects by clicking the respective buttons on the right.

  • Half(Top)
  • Half(Bottom)
  • Half(Left)
  • Half(Right)

Scene Mode

Automatic sample-optimized camera settings

Ensure optimal settings for image capture through four types of Scene Mode: wafer/IC chip, metal, printed circuit board, and flat panel display.


ShuttlePix Product Brochure in PDF format can be downloaded.

Zoom Simulation

View a ShuttlePix zooming function.

ShuttlePix Editor Download (Free Dedicated Software)

Download ShuttlePix Editor*, the free dedicated software that provides useful features, such as simple measurement of sample objects and cross-section or 3D display of EDF images.

  • *Compatible with Windows® XP and Windows® 7
  • *Software can only be downloaded by users who have purchased ShuttlePix.

Questions related to products

  • *Before you send your inquiry, please select "Digital Microscope" in a section of "product groups you are interested" in the inquiries page.