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  8. ECLIPSE Ni-E/Ni-U - Specifications

Upright MicroscopeECLIPSE Ni-E/Ni-U

  Ni-E Ni-U
Focusing stage type Focusing nosepiece type  
Main body Optical system CFI60 infinity optical system CFI60 and CFI75 infinity optical systems CFI60 infinity optical system
(stroke from focus point)
Via motorized stage Up/Down movement
(Up 2 mm/Down 13 mm)
Via motorized nosepiece Up/Down movement
(Up 13 mm/Down 2 mm)
Via manual stage Up/Down movement
(Up 3 mm/Down 26 mm)
Built-in linear encoder, Resolution: 0.025 µm
Motorized escape and refocus mechanism
Coaxial Coarse/Fine focusing
  • Halogen lamp (12V100W)
  • NI-ND-E Motorized ND Filter (option)
Halogen lamp (12V100W)
Built-in fly-eye lens
Built-in NCB11, ND8, ND32 filters (detachable, one additional filter mountable) and diffuser (non-detachable)
ND2 filter (option)
Controls Transmitted light On/Off switch, Intensity control dial with preset function
Image capture button
Built-in motorized control switches
  • Stand-alone control unit DS-L3
  • NI-ERG NI Ergo Controller (option)
  • Stand-alone control unit DS-L3 (option)
  • NI-SRCP Simple Remote Control Pad (option)
Power supply unit External power supply NI-CTLA Control Box A for all configurations Built-in for halogen lamp
NI-CTLB Control Box B is necessary when Motorized/Intelligent options are combined.
Eyepieces (F.O.V. mm)
  • CFI 10x (22)
  • CFI 10xM Photomask (22)
  • CFI 12.5x (16)
  • CFI 15x (14.5)
  • CFI UW10x (25)
  • CFI UW10xM Photomask (25)
Tubes F.O.V. 22 mm
  • C-TB Binocular Tube
  • C-TE2 Ergonomic Binocular Tube (100/0, 50/50 with C-TEP2 DSC Port)
    Inclination angle: 10-30 degree, Extension up to 40 mm
F.O.V. 25 mm*1
  • C-TF Trinocular Tube F (100/0, 0/100)
  • C-TT Trinocular Tube T (100/0, 20/80, 0/100)
  • C-TT-C Trinocular Tube (100/0, 0/100, for confocal)*2
  • NI-TT Quadrocular Tilting Tube (Eyepiece/Upper port/Rear port: 100/0/0, 0/100/0, 0/0/100)
    Inclination angle: 15-35 degree
  • NI-TT-E Motorized Quadrocular Tilting Tube
    (Eyepiece/Upper port/Rear port: 100/0/0, 0/100/0, 0/0/100)
    Inclination angle: 15-35 degree
Ports (F.O.V. 11 mm) · C-TEP2 DSC Port for Ergonomic Binocular (with C-mount adapter, 0.7x)
· NI-BPU Back Port Unit (with C-mount adapter, 1.0x)
· NI-RPZ DSC Zooming Port for Quadrocular Tube (with C-mount adapter, manual zoom, 0.6x - 2.0x)
· NI-RPZ-E Motorized DSC Zooming Port for Quadrocular Tube (with C-mount adapter, motorized zoom, 0.6x - 2.0x)
  • NI-SAM Standard Arm
  • NIE-CAM Contact Arm (for Motorized/Intelligent options)
  • NIU-CAM Contact Arm (for Motorized/Intelligent options)
Nosepieces Motorized
  • NI-N7-E Motorized Septuple Nosepiece
  • NI-ND6-E Motorized Sextuple DIC Nosepiece
  • NI-N7-E Motorized Septuple Nosepiece
  • NI-ND6-E Motorized Sextuple DIC Nosepiece
  • NI-N7-I Intelligent Septuple Nosepiece
  • NI-ND6-I Intelligent Sextuple DIC Nosepiece
  • NI-N7-I Intelligent Septuple Nosepiece
  • NI-ND6-I Intelligent Sextuple DIC Nosepiece
  • D-ND6 Sextuple DIC Nosepiece
  • C-N Sextuple Nosepiece
  • C-NA Sextuple Nosepiece with Analyzer Slot
  • L-NU5 Universal Quintuple Nosepiece ESD
  • L-NBD5 BD Quintuple Nosepiece ESD
  • FN-S2N Sliding Nosepiece
    (for CFI60 objectives)
    Changeover 2 objectives, DIC slider insertable
  • FN-MN-H Single Objective Holder
    (for CFI75 objective)
    DIC slider insertable
  • D-ND6 Sextuple DIC Nosepiece
  • C-N Sextuple Nosepiece
  • C-NA Sextuple Nosepiece with Analyzer Slot
  • L-NU5 Universal Quintuple Nosepiece ESD
  • L-NBD5 BD Quintuple Nosepiece ESD
  • NIE-CSRR2 Right Handle Rotatable Ceramic-coated Stage with 2S Holder
    Cross travel 78(X) x 54(Y) mm
    Handle height and torque adjustable
  • FN-3PS2 FN1 Standard Stage
    Cross travel 30(X) x 30(Y) mm
  • C-SR2S Right Handle Stage with 2S Holder
  • C-CSR1S Right Handle Ceramic-coated Stage with 1S Holder
  • C-CSR Right Handle Ceramic-coated Stage
  • NIU-CSRR2 Right Handle Rotatable Ceramic-coated Stage with 2S Holder
    Cross travel 78(X) x 54(Y) mm
    Handle height and torque adjustable
  • NI-S-E Motorized XY Stage
    Resolution: 0.1 µm
  • NI-SH-D Dish Holder (option)
  • NI-SSR Substage
    (for Motorized Universal Condenser and Rotatable / Motorized stages)
  • NI-SSF Substage for Focusing Nosepiece
    (for LWD condenser and FN1 Standard / Motorized stages)
  • NI-SSR Substage (for Rotatable stage)
  • NI-SS Substage (for Non-rotatable stages)
Condensers Motorized
  • NI-CUD-E Motorized Universal Condenser Dry
    For DIC, phase contrast, darkfield observations
    Attached on NI-SSR Substage
  • NI-CUD Universal Condenser Dry
  • C-C Abbe Condenser NA 0.9
  • C-C Achromat Condenser NA 0.9
  • Darkfield Condenser (Oil)
  • Darkfield Condenser (Dry)
  • C-C Achromat / Aplanat Condenser NA 1.4
  • C-C Slide Achromat Condenser 2-100x
  • C-C Achromat Swing-out Condenser 1-100x
  • Achromat Swing-out Condenser 2-100x
  • X LWD Condenser
  • D-CUO DIC Condenser Oil
  • FN-C LWD Condenser NA 0.78
    (for DIC and oblique light illumination)
  • NI-CUD Universal Condenser Dry
  • C-C Abbe Condenser NA 0.9
  • C-C Achromat Condenser NA 0.9
  • Darkfield Condenser (Oil)
  • Darkfield Condenser (Dry)
  • C-C Achromat / Aplanat Condenser NA 1.4
  • C-C Slide Achromat Condenser 2-100x
  • C-C Achromat Swing-out Condenser 1-100x
  • C-C Phase Contrast Turret Condenser*3
  • Achromat Swing-out Condenser 2-100x
  • X LWD Condenser
  • D-CUO DIC Condenser Oil
Filter cube turret 6 filter cubes mountable, High S/N noise terminator mechanism for all turrets
  • NI-FLT6-E Motorized Epi-fluorescence Cube Turret
    Motorized shutter, Status check function*4
  • NI-FLT6-I Intelligent Epi-fluorescence Cube Turret
    Manual shutter, Status check function*4
  • NI-FLT6 Epi-fluorescence Cube Turret
    Manual shutter
Light distribution device
  • NI-FLEI Epi-fluorescence Attachment
    Aperture diaphragm and field diaphragm (Centerable/Detachable), ND filters (ND4, ND8, ND16)
  • NI-PAU Ni Photoactivation Unit (405 nm to 650 nm lasers)
  • NI-BAW-E Motorized Barrier Filter Wheel
    7 filters mountable, 0.2 sec between adjacent positions
  • NI-EXW-E Motorized Excitation Filter Wheel
    8 filters mountable, 0.15 sec between adjacent positions
  • NI-SH-E Motorized Shutter
    ?0.012 sec between open and close state
  • NI-SH-E Motorized Shutter
    0.012 sec between open and close state
Epi-illumination light source
  • C-HGFI/HGFIE HG Precentered Fiber Illuminator Intensilight (130W)
  • Hg Lamphouse and Power Supply (100W)*2
  • Xe Lamphouse and Power Supply (75W)*2
  • Halogen Lamphouse and Transformer (100W)*2
Power consumption 211W
(with max. halogen lamp intensity and full motorized options)
(with max. halogen lamp intensity and full motorized options)
Main body: 133W (with max. halogen lamp intensity)
Control Box B: 29W (with full motorized options)
Weight (approx.) 29 kg
(Epi-fluorescent configuration with motorized quadrocular tilting tube)
42 kg
(Photoactivation configuration with motorized quadrocular tilting tube)
20 kg
(Brightfield configuration with ergonomic binocular tube)
  • *1When used with a double layer, such as with layered epi-fluorescence cube turrets, F.O.V. is 22.
  • *2Cannot be used with the focusing nosepiece type.
  • *3Can only be mounted on the NI-SS Substage.
  • *4Status check function: Status of Filter/Nosepiece etc. can be recorded with captured images and/or displayed on the controller monitor.