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Machine Inspection—Fundamental Support for Manufacturing

The surface plate inspection process

  • 1.The surface of the surface plate is cleaned, and the inspector then verifies that it is horizontal using a level. The inspector then places the guide bar on the surface plate lengthwise.

  • 2.The inspector places the fixed-position electronic level at the end of the guide bar and then fixes the measurement level in place at each measurement point in turn (as shown by the orange marks).

  • 3.The inspector measures seven points in each direction (although this will vary according to the size of the surface plate).

  • 4.The guide bar is now placed widthwise across the surface plate, and the inspector measures each point.

  • 5.The guide bar is now placed diagonally across the surface plate, and the inspector measures each point. The process is repeated for the other diagonal.

  • 6.The measurement results for all four directions (lengthwise, widthwise, and the two diagonals) are verified, and the process is complete.
