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  5. Cementing—sticking together of two lenses or optical glasses (2/5)

Cementing—sticking together of two lenses or optical glasses

Improving technique by overcoming difficulties

Mr. Mizutani has seen this at first hand over the course of his long career, saying "The complexity and accuracy of optical systems increases over time. There is also a vast multiplicity of different types of lens and optical component, in terms of size, shape and material. Under such difficult conditions, it is extremely hard to maintain high quality, and since production runs are small, it would not even be efficient to mechanize the optical glass cementing process at present. Thus, we need to use our hands. We improve our technique by never giving up—no matter how difficult the situation—and through the experience of overcoming such difficulties."

Mr. Mizutani has been involved with the production of a variety of products, ranging from interchangeable camera lenses to special-purpose custom-made optical systems. He has also been involved with IC steppers and scanners, considered the most precise machines, from the first projection lenses right up to today's latest models.

Mr. Mizutani still continues to improve his technique—overcoming numerous difficulties and adapting to the advances of the day.
