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  7. Software for Portable Arms for 3D Metrology
  8. Focus Scan

Focus Scan

Focus Scan - Fast, easy and accurate data capture for CMM laser scanning

Focus Scan is the driver software for Nikon Metrology laser scanner integrations on CMMs. It provides off-line and on-line scanner path definition, and acquires and pre-processes the raw point cloud data. The software is fully integrated with Focus Inspection, Reverse Engineering and Automation. Focus Scan's off-line module enables users to create, modify and p rove out part programs using 3D CAD models, allowing CMMs to be used exclusively for measurement.

Besides requiring simpler scanner motion paths, automatic scan path programming further reduces measurement preparation time.

A breakthrough in validating scan macros is the new point spray feature that simulates a point cloud as if the part is measured on the CMM.