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  7. NSR-S210D

KrF Scanner NSR-S210D

The NSR-S210D KrF scanner employs an acclaimed tandem stage to improve throughput by 20% over conventional models, delivering 176 wafers (300 mm) per hour. The new scanner’s 9 nm or better alignment accuracy combines with Nikon’s field-proven projection optics (NA 0.82) and illumination system to provide exceptional imaging performance. The NSR-S210D greatly reduces CoO (Cost of Ownership) in the mass production of 110 nm or smaller devices. The use of a platform common to all Nikon scanners contributes to improving production efficiency and cutting running costs.

Resolution ≦ 110 nm
NA 0.82
Light source KrF excimer laser (248 nm wavelength)
Projection magnification 1:4
Maximum exposure field 26 × 33 mm
Overlay ≦ 9 nm
Throughput ≧ 176 wafers/hour (300 mm wafer, 76 shots)