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Smaller ICs and larger LCDs are helping to create a richer information society

Each time a new mobile phone or tablet PC model comes out, it is smaller, thinner and lighter. Furthermore, functions have evolved beyond voice and data communications to offer a seemingly endless flow of multifunctionality and sophistication, from information collection and personal organization to banking, shopping and a host of other functions.
In contrast, LCD televisions at home and electronic street displays are becoming ever larger, bringing more entertainment into our lives and making a wealth of information and conveniences available to us on a daily basis. The force behind the improvements in today's information society has been the evolution of semiconductors (ICs, etc.) and liquid crystal displays (LCDs). And playing a vital role in this evolution has been the IC and LCD stepper/scanner technology of Nikon, the optics specialist.

IC Steppers/Scanners: Making people's lives more convenient and comfortable with miniaturization technology

ICs are rapidly becoming smaller and more functional. Learn more about the products and technologies that have been supporting this progress.

LCD Steppers/Scanners: Leading the information society with technologies that make small things large

Liquid crystal displays are being more widely used because of their larger sizes and higher definition. Learn more about the products and technologies that have been supporting these advancements.