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  6. i-line Steppers
  7. NSR-2205i14E2

i-line Stepper NSR-2205i14E2

The NSR-2205i14E2 with a projection lens offers a peak NA of 0.63 and achieves a resolution of 350 nm or better. Through modified illumination, it allows optimization of various processing conditions for 256M DRAM mass production.

Resolution ≦ 350 nm
NA 0.63
Exposure light source i-line (365 nm wavelength)
Reduction ratio 1:5
Exposure field 22 mm square to 17.9 (H) × 25.2 (V) mm
Overlay ≦ 40 nm
Throughput ≧ 103 wafers/hour (200 mm wafer)