Taking Advantage of Light
We have developed a new world by introducing or inventing unimaginable theories and devices such as “encryption with light” and “quantum teleportation” by manipulating the power of light.
Unbreakable encryption with light—Quantum computers and quantum cryptography

The history of encryption is a long battle between code developers and code breakers. But this may soon end. The development of unbreakable encryption codes has begun.
Twin photons and quantum teleportation

The term “teleportation” is no longer confined to the world of science fiction. Experiments in quantum teleportation using light are now proving to be successful.
Glittering proof of life—a molecular message

So where is the boundary between life and death? Observing a certain faint light emitted from cells makes it possible to determine new definitions of life and death.
The fastest stroboscopic photography—from femtosecond to attosecond

A pulse lasting one quintillionth of a second (1 attosecond) enables us to see a new world beyond our imagination.
An invisibility cloak that manipulates light

The fantastical invisibility cloak has appeared in stories since ancient times, and more recently in cinema. However, a real invisibility cloak presents a wealth of future possibilities.