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  5. Priority Issues Set Forth in the CSR Medium Term Plan

Priority Issues Set Forth in the CSR Medium Term Plan

The Nikon Group believes that CSR is a process to embody its corporate philosophy of "Trustworthiness and Creativity," and upholds "CSR-oriented management" as one of its priority management issues. For CSR promotion activities, we work to identify priority issues, set the medium term plans for each issue and carry out initiatives according to the plan.

Identifying Priority Issues for CSR

The Nikon Group identifies priority CSR issues to tackle, by examining social trends and the expectations of our stakeholders, and carries out activities after setting medium term plans for each issue. When identifying the priority issues, the secretariat of the CSR Committee makes analyses by referring to sources including the Principle of Materiality in the GRI Guidelines, the seven core subjects of ISO 26000 and issues required by external SRI rating agencies. These are then agreed upon by the CSR Committee as priority issues for the entire Group. The CSR Materiality Map below shows the issues sorted into categories and plotted in a way that their degrees of influence can be compared.

Nikon Group CSR Materiality Map Nikon Group identifies significant issues to improve the corporate value, considering influence on stakeholder assessments and decisions (economic, environmental and social) and economic, environmental and social impact to the Nikon Group.

Priority Issues Set Forth in the CSR Medium Term Plan

During the year ended March 31, 2011, we reviewed the priority issues in the CSR Medium Term Plan and reorganized them. Under the issues relating to CSR activities of the Nikon Group as a whole (reported as "development of a CSR infrastructure" in this Report), we have listed five items under which to carry out activities, and we have established medium term plans for each of these issues.

In the three-year plan form April 2013 to March 2015, we have set five priority issues: "Expansion and promotion of environmental management," "Implementation of compliance activities," "Respect for human rights and work environments, and promoting diversity in workforce," "Co-existence with society and the natural environment" and "Promotion of CSR activities in the supply chain" to globally promote CSR-conscious business activities. With those five priority issues, we will promote communication with stakeholders, respond faithfully to stakeholders' expectation and build stronger trust of stakeholders.