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Stakeholders Evaluation

Nikon Group is doing our best to keep good communications with our stakeholders and reflect their ideas and opinions to our CSR activities. Followings are the evaluations by our outside stakeholders.

SRI index portfolio

Socially responsible investment (SRI) considers not only a company's financial standing and potential for growth but also social responsibility of the company. There are many SRI mutual funds being managed in the world.

FTSE4Good Index Series

Nikon has been a constituent of FTSE4Good Index Series since 2004.

FTSE Group, co-owned by The Financial Times and London Stock Exchange, creates and manages the social responsibility investment indices: FTSE4Good Index Series.

Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index(MS-SRI)

Nikon Corporation was selected as a member company of Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index (MS-SRI) in September 2010.

The Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index (MS-SRI) is the first socially responsible investment index in Japan. Morningstar Japan K.K. selects 150 companies from among approximately 3,600 listed companies in Japan by assessing their social responsibility, and converts their stock prices into the index.

ECPI Ethical Index Global

In 2011, Nikon Corporation was selected as a constituent of "ECPI Ethical Index Global "by ECPI. ECPI (Establishment:1997 ) is a company based in Italy and Luxembourg, and conducts research, rating and indices about companies' ESG (Environmental, social and governance) performance.

Other outstanding achievements

The year ended March 31,2012

The year ended March 31,2011

The year ended March 31,2010