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Imaging Company

Good products come from good production environments.
We promote CSR activities as the basis of business.

Liu Gang
In charge of CSR, Nikon Imaging (China) Co., Ltd.

NIC, overseas Group company in charge of producing Nikon 1 V1 and J1

Nikon Imaging Company creates new value for customers and advances photography as a culture by conducting a diverse range of image-related activities. In 2011, Nikon released Nikon 1 V1 and J1, advanced cameras with interchangeable lenses. They are manufactured at Nikon's Group company in China, Nikon Imaging (China) Co., Ltd. (NIC). NIC is also responsible for producing the COOLPIX series of compact digital cameras. NIC believes that, in order to provide society with safe, high-quality products, it is important to prepare a good production environment, and it is engaged in CSR activities as the basis for this.

Spread of compliance education

Computer-aided compliance education

NIC conducts extensive compliance education so that employees can gain a complete understanding of the Nikon CSR Charter and Code of Conduct, and so that they can apply these to their daily work. An environment has been created in which all employees can receive education. Not only do new employees get compliance education as part of their training, there is also computer-aided learning as well as studies at morning meetings.

Green procurement & CSR-oriented procurement

Diversification of the products we manufacture means that there is now a wider range of materials and parts that we need to procure. As a consequence, we have strengthened procurement to conform with the Nikon Basic Green Procurement Policy and the Nikon Procurement Partners' CSR Guidelines more than ever before. We are making steady progress in green procurement and CSR-oriented procurement, such as conducting activities to assess suppliers in coordination with Nikon Corporation's Environmental & Technical Administration Department and the Procurement & Facilities Management Department, and giving priority to suppliers that are actively engaged in environmental conservation or other CSR activities.

Assistance for university students

Financial support handed to the parent of a university student

In cooperation with regional government agencies, we provide support to university students experiencing financial difficulties. We provide financial assistance to university students who are getting good grades, but who are finding it difficult to keep studying due to economic reasons. During 2011, we provided support to 11 students.

Volunteer activities

Wu Culture Festival

The 2011 China (Wuxi) Wu Culture Festival was held in April 2011. Wuxi was the birthplace of the Kingdom of Wu, one of the famous Three Kingdoms. This great festival is organized once a year by Wuxi City under the theme "carrying on the Wu culture, realizing cultural promotion," and it is visited by many people from neighboring areas. Employees from more than 20 foreign firms in Wuxi New District, including NIC, participated as volunteers, allowing us to deepen our exchange with the local community.