Introduction to Digiscoping
STEP.6 Shooting etiquette
Remember to be respectful when taking pictures.
Places where birds live comfortably provide a good environment for taking quality pictures.
Do not destroy their living environment.
If you come across birds involved in parenting, do not reveal the location to other people. Do not release pictures that reveal such locations.
Taking pictures can cause great stress to birds, especially during parenting.
If you release your work on the Internet, it is considered good manners not to reveal the locations where the pictures were taken. In the case of rare birds, many people might rush to the place or even try to seize the birds.
Walking in areas other than along specified trails, even in woods or parks, might destroy the ecological system. For example, stamping mulch or weeds by walking off a designated trail could cause insects and microbes living there to die out, which in turn could cause a decrease in the available food for birds.
Do not break off twigs just to make it more convenient to take a certain shot.
Do not gather in large groups; it scares the birds.
Do not trespass in other people's gardens or on their land. Do not leave your garbage behind. If it is necessary to penetrate someone's land, contact the person in charge of the land and get their permission.
Do not surprise wild birds. Do not disturb other people shooting pictures nearby. Share locations with others.
Turn off your cellular phone.
STEP.1 What is the Nikon Digiscoping System all about?
STEP.2 Equipment
STEP.3 Before going out into the field (exercises)
STEP.4 Going out into the field
STEP.5 Enjoying your digital images
STEP.6 Shooting etiquette

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