Precision Equipment

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Kazuo Ushida
Director, Member of the Board & Senior Executive Officer
President of Precision Equipment Company

Committed to advancing the Information Technology (IT) Society through ultra-precision technologies—The culmination of our dedication to semiconductor/LCD manufacturing equipment

The proliferation of networks and digital equipment is creating major changes in the way people live; semiconductors play key roles along the entire spectrum of daily life. The diverse applications in which semiconductors are used include computers at manufacturing facilities and offices, automobiles, household appliances, and the building of network infrastructure. LCD displays are finding wider use in large-screen LCD TVs, notebook PCs, mobile phones, and other areas.

As the development of semiconductor devices continues at a furious pace, the call for smaller design rules is increasing. This is particularly true as the demands placed on manufacturing equipment become more rigorous. Also, in the field of LCDs, we anticipate higher performance, calling for us to address larger plate sizes, color filter production, as well as production of larger- and higher-definition low-temperature polysilicon TFTs.

As the leading producer of steppers/scanners, the Precision Equipment Company provides modern products engineered and produced with ultra-precision technology. We also support the production of semiconductors and LCDs around the world, and are helping to strengthen the foundations of the IT society.

We strive to meet the demands of the semiconductor/LCD industry, the sophistication of which is progressively advancing, by proactively developing R&D on ultra-precision technologies and strengthening the relationships with our customer companies. The Precision Equipment Company is committed to support the growth of the semiconductor and LCD industries as well as to play a commanding role in enabling the “IT Revolution” to usher in a richer information-oriented society through the manufacture of steppers/scanners.