1. Video distribution websites gaining popularity
A video distribution site that lets anyone easily submit videos
Video distribution websites allow users to enjoy videos on the Internet. A wide range of content, such as news and sports programs, movies, animation and music videos, is available to be viewed at any time. It is said that more than 80 million videos are in the public domain , making the Internet a true treasure trove for video fans.
The primary reason for the rising popularity of such video sites is that both professionals and amateurs can easily make their videos available to the public. These video sites have stimulated critical reviews of innovative ideas and expression, bringing new creative talent and artists into the public eye from the ranks of amateurs.
The main factors that have enabled video distribution are the spread of broadband, higher capacities of SD and other memory cards, and lower costs. The fact that videos can easily be taken with compact digital cameras and mobile phones, as well as home-use camcorders, has also contributed to the popularity of video distribution. While camcorders are easy to use, however, artistic expression using a small depth of field or perspective is not possible. In this day and age, when video photography has become a part of everyday life, users are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the expressive limitations of camcorders and hanker for more creative expression. It is in this context that digital SLR cameras with video functions have come onto the market, offering possibilities that have not existed before in video photography.
2. Use a digital SLR camera to make videos with more creative expression
Digital SLR cameras with video functions have come onto the market because users seeking creative expression are growing in number. With the use of wide-angle, fish-eye and other types of lens, it is now possible to create videos rich with the artistic expression that SLR cameras have long been known for.
A large image sensor is essential when capturing detail using a wide variety of lenses. This sensor converts light into digital images and can be compared to the role of the retina in a human eye. If the sensor is small, a small depth of field is not possible, rendering both still images and videos uniform and flat. This is the reason camcorders produce flat images. In contrast, digital SLR cameras use large image sensors. Thus, they produce beautiful video with considerable depth by choosing a small depth of field.
Let's now experience the world of digital SLR cameras first-hand. While camcorders shoot with what is known as deep focus, digital SLR cameras with large sensors can shoot images with a small depth of field. It is possible, for example, to take advantage of small depth of field to shoot scenes that open with a wide view and gradually zoom in on a person, as is often seen on TV programs. However, the real value of a large sensor comes into play when taking night scenes. Highly sensitive digital SLR cameras are extremely adept at capturing light, even in the dark, giving photographers the ability to capture night scenes that have a natural ambience. And when a NIKKOR lens such as a wideangle, fisheye or micro lens is used, a versatile range of expression becomes possible, from landscapes to portraits, flowers, insects and other subjects in close-up photography.
The video functions of Nikon digital SLR cameras (D-movie) make it possible for users to achieve video expression that is a step closer to that of professionals producing TV programs and films. These cameras make photography even more interesting and fun. Nikon's image sensor and NIKKOR lenses provide users with creative capabilities that were never possible with camcorders. With digital SLR cameras that can capture video, users are a step closer to being able to produce videos that are on par with short films.
With D-Movie, it is possible to capture a sense of depth with a blurred background that is typical of digital SLR cameras.
D-Movie makes it possible to capture sharp images with vivid color expression.
3. How to capture both still images and videos with one camera
Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor
Nikon digital SLR cameras are the product of considerable know-how that Nikon has accumulated over the years. How are the two roles of still photography and video accommodated in a single compact body? In still photography, images are reflected onto a mirror and viewed through a viewfinder, while with video photography, the mirror is locked in the up position and images are captured directly by the sensor through the lens. The camera's Live View function is used to take videos.
An issue that Nikon had to address when including video functions was power consumption. The conventional CCD sensor required special high voltage that consumed considerable power and placed limits on shooting speed. The Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor, however, uses less power and images can be read at high speed. With high-speed movement, to which the CMOS sensor is not well suited, an exposure order reading system known as a rolling shutter is used to adjust the duration of the horizontal scanning period and achieve lower power consumption and high-speed reading.
The Nikon digital SLR camera captures both video and still images with authentic image expression in one compact body. The unique image sensor has removed the restraints of still and video expression and introduced a new and remarkable world of image creativity.
Differences in image reading during still image and video photography