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Yokohama Plant

Address 471, Nagaodai-cho, Sakae-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 244-8533
Phone +81-45-852-2111
Access By train
  • Get off at JR Ofuna Station (Tokaido Line/Yokosuka Line/Keihin-Tohoku Line).
By bus
  • Take a bus from Nishiguchi (West Exit) Terminal, JR Ofuna Station. Take either the bus for the destination "Totsuka Bus Center" or "Matano Koen/Yokohama Yakkadai-mae". Get off at "Miyanomae" bus stop (approx. 5-minute ride). From there it is an approx. 2-minute walk to the Yokohama Plant.
  • Alternatively, from the same terminal, take the bus for the destination "Sumitomo Denko Junkan". Get off at "Nikon-mae" bus stop (approx. 6-minute ride). Only available weekday mornings up to around the start of office hours.