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  6. How to Use Fieldscopes
  7. How to use Fieldscopes / Nomenclature

How to Use Fieldscopes How to use Fieldscopes / Nomenclature

Once you know how to use a Fieldscope properly, you can view distant objects closely and clearly. Understanding a few simple operational procedures will ensure your enjoyment.

Nomenclature of Fieldscopes

How to use Fieldscopes

(1)Mounting an eyepiece onto a Fieldscope body

  • Bayonet mount type


    Insert the eyepiece into the Fieldscope body aligning the indexes of both sides. Screw in counterclockwise until you hear a click. To remove, turn the eyepiece clockwise while pushing the eyepiece release lever.

  • Screw-in type


    Screw the eyepiece into the Fieldscope body clockwise to mount. To remove, turn counterclockwise.

(2)Attaching a Fieldscope to a tripod

When attaching to a tripod, use the tripod mount screw holes located on the back of the tripod mount.

(3)Sliding the hood (except Fieldscope ED50 / ED50-A)

Slide the hood with the objective lens cap open. When closing, close the hood first, then close the objective lens cap.

(4)Positioning the objective lens toward a subject

Find the target subject with your eyes, then position the center of the Fieldscope toward it. Use a large tree or a unique branch as landmarks.
If your Fieldscope has a line of aim, align the subject to an extension of this line. This helps you to capture your subject easily.


Rotate the focusing ring of the Fieldscope body while looking through the eyepiece with one eye.
Viewing distant subjects: Rotate the focusing ring clockwise.
Viewing near subjects: Rotate the focusing ring counterclockwise.

How to use a zoom type eyepiece

  • Mounting

    Both bayonet and screw-in type zoom eyepieces have the same mounting method as other bayonet and screw-in type eyepieces.

  • How to use

    Rotating the zoom ring adjusts the magnification.
    For higher magnification: Turn clockwise
    For lower magnification: Turn counterclockwise

How to use the clamp (located only on angled type Fieldscopes, except ED50 A)

The clamp can tilt the eyepiece part from right to left and fix it at a click position.