While traveling, have you ever thought: "I wish I could get a closer look at this historic spot," or, "I want to see this beautiful scene more clearly?" This is a natural feeling when visiting must-see sights on a trip. Although it is exciting to see famous sights with the naked eye, a good pair of binoculars allows you to savor scenes more clearly and up closer, enhancing your precious holiday memories.
When and where to use binoculars
At historic sites
At museums and art galleries
When viewing landscapes In the car
Which binoculars are useful?
Recommended magnification: 4x to 8x
A magnification of 4x to 7x and a close focusing distance of 2m or less is recommended for art appreciation.
A magnification of 4x to 8x is recommended for viewing landscape or faraway buildings.
Compact, lightweight and easy-to-carry binoculars.
Compact, lightweight binoculars can be whipped out quickly and are easy to put back in your bag while on the go.
Find the model that best suits you
Before purchase, pick up the binoculars and actually look through them.
Choose binoculars that fit comfortably in your hand. Using binoculars that perfectly suit you will increase your enjoyment of your trip.
Recommended binoculars
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