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On the conclusion of the 148th Annual General Shareholders' Meeting

June 28, 2012

On June 28, 2012, the following agenda was proposed at the 148th Annual General Shareholders' Meeting. All agenda items discussed at the meeting were approved as proposed.

  • Appropriation of Surplus

    A year-end dividend of ¥21.0 per share was agreed upon.

  • Partial Amendments to Articles of Incorporation

    To prepare for the business development into the health and medical field, the Company added an item to Article 3 (Purpose) of the current Articles of Incorporation — Manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals, quasi-pharmaceutical products and cosmetics.

  • Appointment of Ten Directors

    Nine members of the previous Board of Directors — Messrs. Makoto Kimura, Junichi Itoh, Kazuo Ushida, Toshiyuki Masai, Yasuyuki Okamoto, Norio Hashizume, Kenichi Kanazawa, Kenji Matsuo and Koukei Higuchi — were reappointed as Directors. Mr. Hiroshi Ohki was newly appointed. Messrs. Kenji Matsuo and Koukei Higuchi are External Directors as provided for under the Companies Act.

  • Appointment of Two Corporate Auditors

    Messrs. Yoshiyuki Nagai and Susumu Kani were reappointed as Corporate Auditors. Mr. Susumu Kani is an External Corporate Auditor as provided for under the Companies Act.

  • Payment of Bonuses to Directors

    In view of the business results for the fiscal year under review and various other factors, it was determined that 130,955,000 yen in total be paid to ten Directors (excluding two External Directors) as of the end of the fiscal year (the 148th term).

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.