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Nikon Corporation Receives Intel's PREFERRED QUALITY SUPPLIER AWARD

March 26, 2008

Nikon Corporation (Michio Kariya, President) was named a recipient of Intel Corporation's 2007 Preferred Quality Supplier (PQS) award for outstanding performance in providing products and services deemed essential to Intel's success. The company is awarded for its efforts supplying Intel with lithography scanners for TD and HVM*. Nikon Corporation and 34 additional PQS award winners were honored at a celebration in Burlingame, California on March 18.

  • *TD: Technical Development
    HVM: High Volume Manufacturing

"Nikon Corporation is delighted to be recognized by Intel as a Preferred Quality Supplier, which we believe reflects our commitment to continuous support of Intel's technology needs, flawless ramp support, and systematic improvements in equipment availability. This is a credit to our worldwide Nikon team who contributed to this achievement and Intel people who helped our team," said Mr. Ushida, president, Precision Equipment Company.

"Intel congratulates Nikon on achieving the Preferred Quality Supplier Award in 2007," said Janice Golda, director of Lithography Capital Equipment Development, Intel Corporation. "Nikon has provided excellent support to Intel to integrate new lithography technology, smoothly ramp new factories, proactively support equipment reuse, and flexibility in adapting to our dynamic needs. We look forward to continuing to grow our relationship as we jointly address future lithography challenges".

The PQS awards are part of Intel's Supplier Continuous Quality Improvement (SCQI) process that encourages suppliers to strive for excellence and continuous improvement. To qualify for PQS status, suppliers must score 80 percent on a report card that assesses performance and ability to meet cost, quality, availability, delivery, technology and responsiveness goals. Suppliers must also manage and deliver on a challenging improvement plan and a quality systems assessment. Additional information about the SCQI program is available at http://supplier.intel.com/quality.

Intel also recognized PQS award winners with an advertisement in the U.S., Europe and Asia editions of The Wall Street Journal on March 18, 2008.

Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

  • *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.