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On the conclusion of the 143rd general shareholders meeting

June 28, 2007

At the general shareholders meeting on June 28, 2007, all proposals submitted were resolved as drafted and the following major items were approved:

  • Surplus appropriation

    The year-end dividend for each share of stock was set at ¥11.50.

  • Reappointment of 10 board of directors members

    All 10 previous board of directors members — Michiro Kariya, Ichiro Terato, Makoto Kimura, Kyoichi Suwa, Kazuo Ushida, Mamoru Kajiwara, Naoki Tomino, Yoshimichi Kawai, Shunji Kono and Kenji Matsuo — were reappointed for another term. Messrs. Shunji Kono and Kenji Matsuo are outside directors, in accordance with Japanese corporate law.

  • Appointment of two corporate auditors

    The reappointed Mr. Toyoshi Nakano and the newly appointed Mr. Masatoshi Kamijo are outside corporate auditors, in accordance with Japanese corporate law.

  • Retirement rewards and allowances to departing directors

    Retirement rewards and allowances will be extended to two retiring directors — Messrs. Norio Miyauchi and Hidetoshi Mori — for services rendered during their terms in office, in keeping with the company's prescribed standards. Decisions regarding amounts, dates and methods of payment will be left to the discretion of the board of directors.

  • Performance compensation for board of directors

    Based on business performance for the 143rd term and other criteria, it was determined that compensation to the 14 board of directors members (including two outside directors) and four corporate auditors (including two outside corporate auditors) serving at the end of the 143rd term would total 88 million yen, with 79.6 million yen going to the board members (including 1.68 million yen for outside directors), and 8.4 million yen going to the corporate auditors (including 1.68 million yen for outside corporate auditors).

  • Amount and content of stock options (stock acquisition rights) for board of directors

    It was determined that in this fiscal year (144th term), stock acquisition rights in the form of stock options to the Company's board of directors members (not including outside directors) would be allotted as share warrants for the maximum annual amount of 74 million yen (not including employee interlocking directorates' employee compensation).

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.