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Nikon creates scholarship for Thai students to study at graduate schools in Japan Nikon-Chulalongkorn Scholarship Program

October 10, 2007

Nikon Corporation (President: Michio Kariya) has established the "Nikon Scholarship Program" as part of the company's social contributions to commemorate the 90th anniversary (July 25, 2007) of Nikon's founding. In line with this initiative, Nikon and the top university of Thailand came to an agreement on this new program that supports young Thais who wish to study in Japan.

The program will give Thai students opportunities to reach advanced levels of education in Japan. It will also nurture human resources that will strengthen relations between Thailand and Japan.

Nikon Corporation and Chulalongkorn University (President: Professor Khunying Suchada Kiranandana) came to an agreement regarding applicant recommendations.

Nikon will select one of the applicants - graduates or undergraduates of Chulalongkorn University - recommended by the university, granted that the applicant is permitted by a Japanese graduate school to enroll in a doctorate or master's degree program. The selected candidate will be provided with tuition fees and basic living expenses by the company, which will select the first scholarship winner this year and eventually support up to four scholarships per year for this program.

The Nikon-Chulalongkorn Scholarship and the preceding Nikon-Shanti Scholarship for junior/senior high school and college/university students constitute the total Nikon Scholarship Program for students in Thailand from junior high school students to students who wish to come to Japan to pursue higher education at graduate schools. It is Nikon's hope that this support program will contribute to the future of Thailand.

University Outline:
Located in the city of Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University is Thailand's oldest university with about 30,000 students, eighteen academic departments plus graduate schools for a wide range of fields. The university was named after King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) who had founded in the Palace what became, years later, the first university in the Kingdom.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.