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On the conclusion of the 142nd general shareholders meeting

June 29, 2006

The general shareholders meeting was held on June 29, 2006 and all proposals submitted were resolved. Major items approved at the meeting were as follows:

  • Profit allocation for the 142nd term

    Reinvestment of profits was recommended to expand and strengthen future business initiatives, technological development and core competitiveness, as well as for dividend allocation and payment of bonuses to board members consistent with our Company's financial results.
    Year-end dividends were set at 6 yen per share, an increase of 2 yen per share compared with the previous term. Also, based on business performance for the term, board members' bonuses totaled 72 million yen, including 65 million yen distributed among 12 directors, and 7 million yen distributed among four auditors at the end of the term.

  • Partial amendment to Articles of Incorporation

    Amendments were made regarding the implementation, on May 1st, 2006, of Law No. 86 of 2005 ("Corporation Law") and Law No. 87 of 2005 ("Law concerning maintenance of relevant laws in relation to implementation of the Corporation Law").

  • Election of the board of directors

    The board of directors now has 14 members. All 12 previous members whose terms expired were reelected for another term, and two additional members were newly elected.

  • Performance compensation for board of directors

    To strengthen incentive for the board of directors to improve our business performance, we offered to these directors share warrants as stock options valued at an upper annual limit of 78 million yen during the 143rd term, in addition to director and employee salary and bonuses.

We plan to expand into new business areas by creating synergies with existing businesses, while strengthening our core business by producing products that respond to market needs and improving cost competitiveness. We will intensify Group-wide cost cuts, and do a better job of managing cash flow by reducing inventory and accounts receivable. Our commitment to CSR helps us improve business efficiency to the maximum benefit of the entire Group, and strengthens management of the Group overall. In these ways, we aim to expand Group growth, as we strengthen our business operations, organization and finances.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.