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The world's first scanner for volume production at the 45 nm node Announcing the Sale of Nikon ArF Immersion Scanner NSR-S610C

July 6, 2006

Nikon Corporation (Michio Kariya, President) announced their latest immersion scanner for volume production of semiconductors at the 45 nm node, the world's first scanner capable of printing 45 nm half pitch patterns under volume production conditions. The NSR-S610C is an ArF immersion scanner with 1.3 NA, the optimum NA for 45 nm volume production. In addition, the NSR-S610C is suitable for 32 nm logic node development. Sales of this system will start from the fourth quarter of 2006.

Sales Summary

Product name Nikon ArF Immersion Scanner NSR-S610C
Sales launch term Fourth Quarter 2006

Development Background

VLSI chips, the foundation of the IT revolution, are becoming ever denser and the industry is now moving to the development of devices at the 45 nm node. The leading technology to pattern these fine features is immersion lithography, using water to enhance the resolution capability of conventional excimer scanners.
The NSR-S610C builds on the immersion technology developed for the NSR-609B, the world's first production immersion tool, shipped in January of 2006. Nikon's Tandem Stage provides increased throughput, enhanced accuracy, and long-term stability. Nikon's Local Fill Technology liquid handling system provides proven defect-free immersion lithography with overlay levels the same as dry tools. In addition, the NSR-S610C incorporates POLANO, Nikon's 4th generation loss-less polarization technology providing enhanced resolution.
"The early introduction of the NSR-S610C allows our customers to get a head start on true 45 nm production," said Kazuo Ushida, President of the Precision Equipment Company, Nikon Corporation.

Main Performance Features

Resolution 45 nm or better
NA (Numerical aperture) 1.30
Light source ArF excimer laser (wavelength: 193 nm)
Projection magnification 1:4
Maximum exposure field 26 x 33 mm
Alignment accuracy 6.5 nm or better (M + 3σ)
Throughput (per hour) 130 or more wafers (300 mm wafers)

Main Characteristics

  1. True 45 nm resolution

    The NA 1.3 optics of the NSR-S610C realize 45 nm imaging with ample process margin of k1 = 0.30**. With this high NA, the NSR-S610C is capable of producing all critical layers of 45 nm devices with sufficient process windows for volume production.

    • **resolution = k1x(wavelength/NA), where k1 represents the process margin. k1 of 0.30 or greater is generally recognized as a requirement for volume production.
  2. Superior imaging through POLANO polarization and Nikon projection optics

    The reliable Nikon 1.3 NA catadioptric projection optics combined with POLANO loss-less polarization technology provides superior imaging with low flare and insensitivity to thermal changes.

  3. High throughput, high accuracy using Nikon's optimized immersion platform

    Nikon's Tandem Stage technology uses an exposure stage and separate calibration stage for high throughput (130 wafers or more per hour) and high stability due to frequent calibration.

  4. Proven, defect-free immersion exposure

    Local Fill Technology is proven to eliminate scanner-induced defects such as bubbles, watermarks, and immersion-induced particles from the immersion process.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.