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On the conclusion of the 141st ordinary general meeting of the shareholders

June 29, 2005

The ordinary general meeting of shareholders was held on June 29, 2005 and all of the proposals submitted were resolved. Nikon will continue to enhance its earning power and improve financial results by promoting consolidated management that takes advantage of new product development with competitiveness and a streamlined cash flow. Major matters approved at the shareholders meeting were as follows:

  • Year-end dividends

    Considering the financial results for this term (the year ended March 31, 2005), as well as future prospects, year-end dividends were set at 4 yen per share.

  • Election of the board of directors

    With the expiration of the terms of all 14 members of the board of directors, 13 directors were appointed (8 reappointed, 5 newly appointed).

  • Retirement rewards and allowances to departing directors Retirement rewards and allowances will be extended to the six retiring directors — Shoichiro Yoshida, Kenji Enya, Teruo Shimamura, Yasujiro Hara, Takashi Tamori and Terumichi Tsuchida — for services rendered during their terms of office, in keeping with the company's prescribed standards. Decisions regarding amounts, dates and methods of payment will be left to the board of directors.
  • Stock option program

    It was decided that stock option acquisition rights would be granted to the company directors and executive officers, with the aim of increasing incentive and morale. For further information, please refer to h 2005, the Proposed Agenda for Issuance of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights) and h 2005, Notice Concerning the Issuance of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights).

For information on the Balance Sheets as of March 31, 2005 and the financial results for the year ended March 2005, please click here.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.