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Realize the Power of Mix-and-Match Strategies with DUV Excimer Steppers Announcing the Sale of Nikon's Step-and-Repeat System NSR-SF140

July 7, 2005

Nikon Corporation (Michio Kariya, President) has developed the Step-and-Repeat System NSR-SF140, an i-line scan field stepper that delivers powerful performance in the exposure of non-critical layers of next-generation DRAMs and MPUs. Sale of the system will start in fourth quarter, 2005. The NSR-SF140 is designed to realize superior cost performance in a mix-and-match strategy with lens-scanning DUV excimer steppers, which are currently the mainstream in cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing lines. The NSR-SF140 provides a wide exposure area of 26 by 33 mm and offers a high resolution of 280 nm or better.

Sales Summary

Product name Nikon Step-and-Repeat System NSR-SF140
Sales launch term Fourth Quarter 2005

Development Background

In January of 2000, Nikon developed the NSR-SF100, the first i-line scan field stepper in the industry designed for mix-and-match solutions with DUV excimer steppers. It was optimized for exposure of non-critical layers, which account for approximately half of all layers. Its design offered superior cost performance by virtue of features shared with DUV excimer steppers, such as its reduction ratio and exposure field, and by offering high resolution and throughput. Thereafter, the NSR-SF100 and its successors contributed substantially to improving productivity and reducing the total investment costs of manufacturing lines. To date, cumulative sales of SF series steppers is over 200 units.

The newly announced NSR-SF140 enhances mix-and-match precision with even further improved lens performance based on the NSR-SF130, which achieved a high resolution of 280 nm or better with its high N.A. reduction projection lens.

Main Performance Features

Resolution 280 nm or better
N.A. (Numerical aperture) 0.62
Light source i-line (wavelength: 365 nm)
Projection magnification 1:4
Exposure field 26 x 33 mm
Alignment accuracy 35 nm or better (M + 3 σ)
Throughput (per hour) 300 mm wafers: 117 or more wafers
(exposure dose 200 mJ/cm2)

Main Characteristics

  1. High throughput

    High throughput is attained using a lightweight wafer stage and an enhanced operation sequence. The SF140 boasts a high throughput of 117 or more 300 mm wafers per hour, an 11% improvement over previous models.

  2. Wide exposure field and high resolution

    The system makes use of leading-edge lens technology to achieve the same wide exposure field (26X33 mm) as lens-scanning DUV excimer steppers, making it ideal for mix and match applications. Because it is equipped with a high N.A. (0.62) reduction projection lens, the NSR-SF140 achieves a high resolution of 280 nm or better.

  3. Optimized for mix-and-match

    The NSR-SF140 features operating specifications that match those of the NSR-S208D lens-scanning KrF excimer stepper, the NSR-S308D lens-scanning ArF excimer stepper, and the NSR-SF200 KrF stepper. This design enables it to offer outstanding performance in mix-and-match schemes.
    Furthermore, improvements in lens performance also greatly enhance mix-and-match precision by reducing distortion. The NSR-SF140 can also accommodate mix-and-match strategies in the mass production lines of 90 nm design rule devices.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.