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New Appointment of Directors and Executive Officers

May 9, 2005

Nikon Corporation (YOSHIDA, Shoichiro, Chairman of the Board & CEO) announces that the board of directors decided today its recommendation for new appointments of Directors and Executive Officers to be proposed to the ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting on the coming June 29, 2005 and the Board of Directors Meeting to immediately follow it.

  1. Director's Promotion
    Proposed title Name Current title
    Member of the Board *
    Chief Executive Officer
    & Chief Operating Officer
    KARIYA, Michio Executive Vice President, Member of the Board *
    President of Precision Equipment Company
    Senior Managing Director, Member of the Board
    & Senior Executive Officer
    KIMURA, Makoto Managing Director, Member of the Board
    & Senior Executive Officer
    President of Imaging Company
    Senior Managing Director, Member of the Board
    & Senior Executive Officer
    SUWA, Kyoichi Director, Member of the Board & Executive Officer
    Vice President of Precision Equipment Company
    Managing Director, Member of the Board
    & Senior Executive Officer
    USHIDA, Kazuo Executive Officer
    General Manager of Development Headquarters,
    Precision Equipment Company
    Managing Director, Member of the Board
    & Senior Executive Officer
    KAWAI, Yoshimichi Director, Member of the Board
    & Executive Officer
    Vice President of Precision Equipment Company
    Director, Member of the Board
    & Executive Officer
    MORI, Hidetoshi Executive Officer
    President of Instruments Company
    Director, Member of the Board
    & Executive Officer
    ICHIHARA, Yutaka Executive Officer
    Vice President of Core Technology Center
    Remarks : "*" indicates "representative director of the Board".
  2. New Director Nominees
    Proposed title Name Current title
    Executive Vice President, Member of the Board *
    & Chief Financial Officer
    TERATO, Ichiro Senior Managing Director,
    The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.
    Director, Member of the Board KANEKO, Ryotaro President
    Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company
    Remarks : "*" indicates "representative director of the Board".
  3. Remaining Directors
    Current title Name
    Managing Director, Member of the Board & Senior Executive Officer
    President of Corporate Strategy Center
    KAJIWARA, Mamoru
    Managing Director, Member of the Board & Senior Executive Officer
    Divisional President of Office of Management Strategy
    MIYAUCHI, Norio
    Managing Director, Member of the Board & Senior Executive Officer
    Vice President of Imaging Company
    TOMINO, Naoki
    Director, Member of the Board KONO, Shunji
  4. Retiring Director
    Current title Name
    Chairman of the Board * & Chief Executive Officer YOSHIDA, Shoichiro
    Vice Chairman of the Board * & Chief Financial Officer ENYA, Kenji
    President, Member of the Board * & Chief Operating Officer SHIMAMURA, Teruo
    Executive Vice President, Member of the Board * HARA, Yasujiro
    Managing Director, Member of the Board & Senior Executive Officer TAMORI, Takashi
    Director, Member of the Board TSUCHIDA, Terumichi
    Shoichiro YOSHIDA and Teruo SHIMAMURA have been nominated as Corporate Adviser. Kenji ENYA has been nominated as Senior Advisor.  Yasujiro HARA and Takashi TAMORI have been nominated as Counselor.
  5. New Executive Officer Nominees
    Proposed title Name Current title
    Executive Officer IWASAKI, Jun President,
    Tochigi Nikon Corporation
    Executive Officer MASAI, Toshiyuki President & CEO,
    Nikon Inc.
    Executive Officer HASHIZUME, Norio General Manager of Financing
    & Accounting Department, Corporate Strategy Center
    Executive Officer OKAMOTO, Yasuyuki General Manager of Corporate Communications
    & IR Department, Corporate Strategy Center
    Executive Officer UMATATE, Toshikazu Executive Senior Staff of Development Headquarters, Precision Equipment Company
  6. Remaining Executive Officers
    Current title Name
    Executive Officer
    Vice President of Core Technology Center
    WATANABE, Takao
    Executive Officer
    General Manager of Marketing Management Department, Imaging Company
    HIRAI, Hideshi
    Executive Officer
    General Manager of Planning Department, Precision Equipment Company
    KUMAZAWA, Masami
    Executive Officer
    General Manager of Development Management Department, Imaging Company
    GOTO, Tetsuro
    Executive Officer
    Vice President of Business Administration Center
  7. Retiring Executive Officers
    Current title Name
    Executive Officer
    General Manager of Glass Division
    UMEDA, Yuichi
    Executive Officer
    Assistant of President of Precision Equipment Company
    TANIMOTO, Akikazu
    Yuichi UMEDA and Akikazu TANIMOTO have been nominated as Special Consulting Staff.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.