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7th & 8th Generation Tools with Multi-Lens Projection Optical System Start of Sales for Nikon Large-Plate Exposure Systems FX-71S/81S

April 14, 2005

Nikon Large-Plate Exposure System FX-81S

To support 7th and 8th generation plate sizes for liquid crystal displays (LCD), Nikon Corporation (Teruo Shimamura, President) has developed the Large-Plate Exposure Systems FX-71S/81S. Sales of the systems are planned to start in the fall of 2005. The FX-81S will accommodate the world's largest plate sizes. The FX-71S/81S systems form an image of a mask pattern and transfer that image to a glass plate in a repeating step-and-scan process. The adoption of a multi-lens projection optical system enables the exposure of up to one 57-inch wide panel and two 45-inch wide-class panels in a single scan, and contributes to improving productivity.

Sales Summary

Product name Nikon Large-Plate Exposure Systems FX-71S/81S
Sales launch term Fall of 2005
Expected Sales Volume Approx. 20 units in first year (2 models combined)

Development Background

Thin film transistor (TFT) active matrix LCDs created a market for notebook computer displays, and their adoption for desktop and TV monitors has rapidly expanded that market.

With applications for 7th and 8th generation plate sizes, the Nikon Large-Plate exposure systems FX-71S/81S can efficiently mass produce 40- to 50-inch wide-class panels. The FX-81S can handle the largest plate sizes in the world (2200 x 2400 mm class).

With the start of FX-71S/81S sales, Nikon is expanding the line-up of large-plate exposure systems. These exposure systems, along with those for small and medium high definition LCDs, will enable Nikon to meet the diverse needs of panel manufacturers.

Main Characteristics

  • Newly Developed Multi-Lens Projection Optical System Installed

    The system has a newly developed multi-lens projection optical system, which consists of 11 projection lenses. This new system enables the exposure of up to a 57-inch wide panel in a single scan. It also enables the exposure of two 45-inch wide-class panels in one scan.

  • Throughput Dramatically Improved by Extended Exposure Field

    FX-71S (2000 x 2200 mm): 384 panels/hr (42-inch wide panels), 294 panels/hr (48-inch wide panels)
    FX-81S (2200 x 2400 mm): 384 panels/hr (45-inch wide panels), 240 panels/hr (52-inch wide panels)

  • Large Plate Applications

    The new models have applications for large 7th and 8th generation plate sizes.
    It is possible to fabricate, at maximum, the following number of panels from one glass plate:
    FX-71S (2000 x 2200 mm): 8 panels (42-inch wide panels), 6 panels (48-inch wide panels)
    FX-81S (2200 x 2400 mm): 8 panels (45-inch wide panels), 6 panels (52-inch wide panels)

  • Wide Exposure Field and High Resolution Simultaneously Achieved

    With the multi-lens projection optical system installed, a wide exposure field is assured and a high resolution of 3 μm or less (L/S) (option) is achieved, just as with the well-established stepper exposure system.

Main Specifications

Projection Magnification 1:1
Resolution (L/S)
Option (switchable)
3.5 μm (g+h+i-line)
3.0 μm (i-line)
Alignment Accuracy 0.6 μm or less
Maximum Plate Size 2000 x 2200 mm class (FX-71S)
2200 x 2400 mm class (FX-81S)
Mask Size 1220 x 1400 mm
Tact Time 74 sec/plate* (FX-71S)
75 sec/plate* (FX-81S)
  • *Conditions: 4 scans, g+h+i-line, 30 mJ/cm2

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.