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Nikon to Start Full-Scale Product Development of EUVL System

January 14, 2004

Nikon Corporation (President: Teruo SHIMAMURA) announced today that it sees no major hurdles to block the development of Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUVL) systems and will start full-scale product development in 2004, with the planned launch for the system by 2006. The tool is targeted at mass production of 45 nm DRAMs and 32 nm microprocessors.

EUV lithography is regarded as a promising technology for realizing future generations of semiconductors. It will enable production of semiconductor chips with features of 45 nm or less, far smaller than the present mass production level of 100 nm scale. The EUVL system requires development of advanced technologies, including a light source capable of providing enough light at 13.5 nm wavelength, extremely precise mirrors, a high quality projection system, and an EUV wave measurement system.

Nikon has been conducting basic research for over 10 years and has been a member of the Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography System Development Association (EUVA) - since it was established in June 2002. In January 2003, Nikon established a new EUVL development department, within its Precision Equipment Company, to specialize and focus on the development of practical EUVL technology for its customers.

Nikon has introduced four new lithography systems in 2003, more new products in a single year than any competitor in recent history. The company also announced an aggressive development plan for 193 nm immersion lithography, with shipments planned as early as 2005.

About EUVA
The Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography System Development Association (EUVA) was created to coordinate the R&D and accelerate the development of EUVL technology. The EUVA was formed from nine EUV related companies, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). The EUVA was established in June 2002, to develop the technology required for an EUV lithography system, in particular EUV light source and exposure tool. In 2003, EUVA began the R&D on Absolute Wave Front Measurement system, succeeding the R&D results conducted by ASET from 2001.

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