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Nikon's COOLPIX SQ wins TIPA category for "Best Product Design in Europe 2003-2004"

July 17, 2003

TOKYO - Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce that the COOLPIX SQ has been declared winner under the category "Best Product Design in Europe 2003-2004" by TIPA.

Founded in 1991 in Paris, TIPA (Technical Image Press Association) is a non-profit, independent professional organization open to all European magazines within the photo and imaging publishing industry. TIPA member editors from 31 leading European magazines in 12 countries vote for the TIPA "Best in Europe" prize in each product category and give awards annually for the best photographic and imaging products of the year.

According to the official TIPA announcement, "Nikon has used its unique swivel lens technology to create a true style icon which embodies the best of both form and function. When not in use the design provides protection for delicate optics and makes the camera highly portable.
When in use ergonomic controls and flexible handling ensure that operation is not compromised."

It is the first time to win TIPA category for design in the history of Nikon's several TIPA awards.

  • *1Products released between June 1,2002 and May 31,2003 are subject to TIPA 2003-2004 awards.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.