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Notice Concerning the Decision on Payment Price and Other Details of Stock Options
(Stock Acquisition Rights)

July 1, 2003

Nikon Corporation (the "Company") hereby announces that the amount to be paid upon exercise and other details of Stock Acquisition Rights, pursuant to a resolution of its Board of Directors on June 27, 2003, were determined today as set forth below.

  1. Date of Issuance: July 1, 2003
  2. Total number of Stock Acquisition Rights: 203 (The number of Stock Acquisition Rights is subject to decrease pursuant to the terms and conditions for redemption of the Stock Acquisition Rights.)
  3. Type and Number of Shares Subject to Stock Acquisition Rights: 203,000 shares of the Company's common stock (The number of shares subject to each Stock Acquisition Right shall be 1,000.)
  4. Amount to be Paid upon Exercise of Each Stock Acquisition Right: ¥1,048,000 per Stock Acquisition Right (¥1,048 per share)
    This amount shall be the closing price of the Company's common shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on July 1, 2003, multiplied by the number of shares subject to each Stock Acquisition Right.
  5. Total Amount of Common Stock to be Issued or Transferred as a Consequence of the Exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights: ¥212,744,000
  6. Amount to be Appropriated for Capital: ¥524 per share
  • Notes:
    1. Resolution date of the Board of Directors to place at ordinary general meeting of shareholders: May 12, 2003
    2. Resolution date at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders: June 27, 2003
    3. Exercise Period of Stock Acquisition Rights: June 28, 2005-June 27, 2013

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.