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New Appointment of Directors and Introduction of the Executive Officer System

May 8, 2001

Nikon Corporation (YOSHIDA, Shoichiro, president) announces that the board of directors decided today its recommendation for new appointments of Directors to be proposed to the ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting on the coming 2001-06-28 and the Board of Directors Meeting to immediately follow it, and the introduction of the executive officer system.

I. New Appointment

  1. Recommended appointment of Director (as of 2001-06-28)

    Recommended title Name Current title
    & Chief Executive Officer
    YOSHIDA, Shoichiro President*
    Vice Chairman*
    & Chief Financial Officer
    ENYA, Kenji Executive Vice President*
    & Chief Operational Officer
    SHIMAMURA, Teruo Managing Director,
    President of Precision Equipment Company
    Executive Vice President* HARA, Yasujiro Managing Director,
    Chief Officer of Corporate Strategy Center
    Managing Director
    & Senior Officer
    KARIYA, Michio Director,
    President of Imaging Company
    Managing Director
    & Senior Officer
    SASAYAMA, Shinya Director,
    General Manager of IC Equipment Division,
    Precision Equipment Company
    Managing Director
    & Senior Officer
    TAKAHASHI, Yosuke Director,
    Assistant Chief Officer of Business Development Center
    Managing Director
    & Senior Officer
    KUROSAWA, Masami Director,
    Assistant Chief Officer of Corporate Strategy Center
    Director TSUCHIDA, Terumichi Director,
    Senior Corporate Advisor of
    Meiji Life Insurance Company
    Director KONO, Shunji Chairman of The Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Co.,Ltd.
    & Officer
    TOKOI, Kazumasa Director,
    Assistant Chief Officer of Corporate Strategy Center
  2. Recommended appointment of Officer (as of 2001-06-28)
    In addition to the above 8 Directors & Officers, the following 13 Officers will be appointed.

    Recommended title Name Current title
    Officer NISHIDA, Yoichi Director,
    President of Nikon-Essilor Co.,Ltd.
    Officer TAMORI, Takashi Director,
    President of Instruments Company
    Officer OTSUKA, Motosuke Director,
    Assistant Chief Officer of Business Administration Center
    Officer SHIMIZU, Hisayuki President of Nikon Precision Inc.
    Officer UMEDA, Yuichi Deputy General Manager of IC Equipment Division,
    Precision Equipment Company
    Officer MIYAUCHI, Norio General Manager of Marketing & Merchandising Management Department,
    Imaging Company
    Officer KAJIWARA, Mamoru General Manager of Office of the President
    Officer MORI, Hidetoshi General Manager of LCD Equipment Division,
    Precision Equipment Company
    Officer WATANABE, Takao General Manager of Intellectual Property Department,
    Core Technology Center
    Officer SUWA, Kyoichi Deputy General Manager of Sales & Marketing Headquarters,
    Precision Equipment Company
    Officer KAWAI, Yoshimichi General Manager of Customized Products Division
    Officer KIMURA, Makoto General Manager of Strategic Planning Department,
    Imaging Company
    Officer TOMINO, Naoki General Manager of Development Management Department,
    Imaging Company
  3. Recommended appointment for retiring Director (as of 2001-06-28)

    Current title Name Recommended title
    Chairman* ONO, Shigeo Corporate Advisor
    Executive Vice President* TSURUTA, Tadao Counsellor
    Managing Director OBANA, Yuji Corporate Auditor
    Managing Director KURAMOTO, Toyohisa Counsellor
    Managing Director IKEDA, Hideo Counsellor
    Director TAKEDA, Haruo
    Director KIRIBUCHI, Akinori Counsellor
    Director NISHIDA, Yoichi Officer
    Director TAMORI, Takashi Officer
    Director OTSUKA, Motosuke Officer
  4. Recommended appointment of Corporate Auditor (as of 2001-06-28)

    Recommended title Name Current title
    Standing Corporate Auditor OBANA, Yuji Managing Director
    Standing Corporate Auditor IMAGAWA, Yoshiro Standing Corporate Auditor
    Corporate Auditor OKANO, Mitsutake Corporate Auditor,
    Corporate Advisor of Mitsubishi Corporation
  5. Recommended appointment for retiring Corporate Auditor (as of 2001-06-28)

    Current title Name Recommended title
    Standing Corporate Auditor NAKANO, Tomochika Counsellor
  • Remarks : “*” indicates “ representative director”.

II. Executive Officer System

  • Background to introduce the system

    Nikon Corporation has been pursuing its management system reform such as introduction of in-house company system 1999-10-01.
    The introduction of the executive officer system will be made to speed up the decision making and business operation, and to further enhance integrity of each business unit.
    The executive officer system will be effective as from 2001-06-28.

  • Objectives to introduce the system
    1. To strengthen both the decision making function of the management and the business operation function through their separation and decentralization in future.
    2. To build up the remuneration system linked to business performance together with the introduction of the executive officer system, which should lead to enhance the corporate performance and the shareholders' value.
    3. To secure the opportunity to promote a variety of human resources to the most appropriate position.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.