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English "SuperBrands Council" selects Nikon as one of the world's superbrands

January 1999

Creative & Communications Ltd.* recently published "Superbrands --- an introduction to 65 of the world's superbrands Volume III
(ISBN 0-9528153-3-8)".

The guide features brands rigorously selected by the "SuperBrands Council", which is comprised of authorities in the fields of advertising, design, market research and PR.
It introduces the history of the selected superbrands, from product development through their most recent successes, including marketing and advertising strategies.

  • *Located at 14, Kendall Place, London W1H 3AH U.K.

Only two(2) Japanese brands were selected for "Vol. III", Nikon and Sony.

The colour of the book on the monitor differs from that of the actual book.
The names of companies and products that appear in the sentences and images on the monitor are trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.