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6x15M CF Binoculars "Grand Prize" at SILMO

December 1998

The Nikon 6×15M CF binoculars was awarded "Grand Prize" at SILMO held in Paris from 10-23 to 26.

SILMO is one of the biggest international exhibition mainly for opticians, where ophthalmic lenses, frames and binoculars are displayed.

In the category of "Technology and Mode 1998", Nikon's stylish design and superb optics were highly appreciated by opticians and led to this commendation.
It is the first time for Nikon binoculars to have received commendation in opticians' field.

The 6×15M CF was introduced in 1997 as Nikon's 80th anniversary model.
It look identical to the uniquely shaped original 6×15 ("MIKRON 6×") introduced in 1921 and has been updated by use of Nikon's modern lenses, anti-reflective lens coatings and today's high-grade structural materials and construction methods.

  • The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.