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  6. Q&A of Conference for the Medium Term Management Plan in 2012

Q&A of Conference for the Medium Term Management Plan in 2012

The following includes questions and answers at the Conference for the Medium Term Management Plan on May 10, 2012.

Q:What can you tell us about Nikon's target to get into the health and medical field?

Nikon is currently aiming to diversify its business and focus on the health and medical field based on careful consideration of social needs, size of the market and market growth, competition in the market and our core technologies. Over recent years, the technologies have come to have a closer link to the medical field and we feel that our core technologies can be applied to a broader field. With an eye toward business diversification, we are presently examining the possibility of expanding into a diagnosis domain of inspection equipment, including antibody and blood and so on, production and testing equipment for use in the field of regenerative medicine and a range of other products to improve the quality of life of the elderly in the health field.